All the branches and their sections in the corporation maintain files, registers etc. relating to the work dealt by them.
Sl no.
Branch/ section
Documents held & functions
Contact person
HRD section:
Establishment branch
- Regular attendance of the employee
- Roster of employees working in different cadres
- Documents regarding compassionate appointment
- Annual confidential report of officers & employees
- Roster of direct recruitments/ promotions for all posts
- Staff register, personal file of employee request transfer, probation register
- Cash validity register
Manager (HRD)
Technical & Training section
- Maintenance of proper treatment (both prophylactic and curative) of stocks in godown and submission of fortnightly technical report to head office regularly.
- Maintenance of register regarding treatment of stocks.
- Proper maintenance of spray machine, fumigation cover etc.
- Documents related to technical & quality control procedure, work instructions
Manager (T & T)
Inspection section
- Documents relating to inspection procedure of warehouses
- To ensure and promote proper and healthy functioning of warehouses
- Observation of prescribed procedures
- Care and preservation of goods in storage
Manager (Inspection)
Commerce section
- Matters related to handling & transportation
- Matters related to development of warehouse business
Manager (Commerce)
Finance & Accounts
- Preparation of storage charges bill
- Balance sheet, profit & loss account
- Budget estimates
- Procedure for internal audit
Manager (F & A)
Storage section
- Procedure for deposit and delivery of commodities in warehouse
- Instruction related to storage and maintenance of stock
- Schedule of storage section
Manager (Storage)
Audit Section
- Audit of Warehouse Centres
Manager (Audit)